The textbook is valuable when it is used properly so the textbook is designed in such a way that it can be used properly. Appraisal of textbook can be taken as the answer of what should be included in the textbook? What types of textbook should be there? Is it appropriate in academic, physical and psychological point of view?
For the appraisal of mathematics textbook, I have taken the textbook of grade 8 published by curriculum development centre (CDC), Ministry of Education (MOE) and printed by Janak Shiksha Samagri Kendra limited. The presented compulsory mathematics textbook of graded 8 had been written by Dr. Santoshman Makey, Harinarayan Upadhaya and Sunma Tuladhar in 2053 B.S and later on it has been modified by Dr. Siddhi Prasad Koirala, Bhojraj Sharma, Salikram Bhusal, Barun Prasad Baida, Indira Aryal and Nirmala Gautam with the current modified curriculum of Nepal. The first edition of that book was in 2053 B. S and the last edition of the book is of 2061 B.S. The appraisal of textbook from Academic, Physical and psychological point of views are presented below respectively.
Academic Aspects: In this aspect mostly the structure of content, organization of content, presentation, rigor, vocabulary, correctness, theorems and proofs, generalizations, illustrations, example, teaching methods and teaching materials, exercise and review, reference and index etc. are evaluated. The presented textbook of grade 8 has some strength however it may not be free from some shortcomings also. Saying about the strength of the book it is written by well qualified and experience teacher whose aims of writing the textbook is very genuine. The strength and weakness of the textbook are presented below as follows:
Strengths of the textbook:
Ø The language used in the textbook is very simple and clear.
Ø It is written in desired curriculum.
Ø Here are not so many examples so it has helped to the student to get adequate opportunity through initiative and independent effort.
Ø Here are the sequence and consistency in organization of the subject matter.
Ø The way of writing the textbook is interesting and comprehensive.
Ø Here is not any irrelevant subject matter.
Ø The textbook satisfies the demand of examinations also.
Ø The proof presented on the textbook is appropriate for the maturity of the student.
Ø The vocabulary used in the textbook is appropriate and suitable.
Ø The homework and assignment can easily be given from the textbook.
Ø The illustrations presented on the textbook are simple.
Ø The exercise and their answer are given on the textbook is simple.
Ø The exercise and their answers are given on the textbook appropriately.
Ø It enables to give the new knowledge to the student.
Ø The subject matter is presented in simple to complex form.
Ø The level wise organization of the subject matter is genuine.
Ø It is sufficient to give the fundamental bases for the next class.
Weaknesses of the textbook;
Ø The steps of solving the problem are not given sufficiently so that the normal student can't understand clearly the problems in some pages of the textbook. We know the textbook should be written in such a way that the normal student can understand the matter from self study also. Here are given some steps to solve the problem which can't be understood by students even the teacher may get the problem in understanding the matter. For example in the lesson 'Square root and cube root' the method of finding the square root from division method is very complex. The direction and steps given in the textbook are quite difficult and complex to understand. So there is less probability of understanding the problem and steps given in the textbook for the student of grade 8. Even the vocabulary given in the textbook is not suitable. We know the symbols and terms used in the textbook must be those which are popular so that they may have no confusion. All new term should be clearly and accurately defined but authors has not concerned in this unit.
Ø The subject error as well as printing mistake is not avoided carefully.
Ø There are not included few difficult exercise to challenge the most intelligent student.
Ø There are not sufficient provision for practice and review; it may not meet the demand of students' ability and interests.
Ø There are not sufficient suggestions to improve the study habit.
Ø It does not facilitate to use the inductive, analytic, heuristic, laboratory method.
Ø Here are presented the suitable proof of the theorem but it has not given any alternative proof of the student.
Physical Aspects:
It is an aspect of textbook which is commonly important as the academic aspects. The presented textbook of the grade 8 is suitable in looking, easy to carry and of around 200 pages whose price can be said moderately priced. Except this strength, here are given some more strength and weakness as follows:
Strengths of the textbook:
Ø The shape and size of the textbook is suitable for desired class.
Ø It is very easy to carry.
Ø It is easy to fold while studying.
Ø The printing of the book is suitable.
Ø The line spacing of the book is suitable.
Ø The letters used in the textbook is suitable.
Ø The figures sketch in the textbook is appropriate.
The weakness of the textbook:
Ø The cover of the book is not attractive.
Ø The block of the book is not printed properly.
Ø The quality of the book in not good.
Ø Only one color is used in the book.
Ø Very few figures are drawn in the textbook.
Ø The book is prepared keeping the intention to be cheap.
Psychological Aspect:
It is also an important aspect of textbook. The textbook should be appropriate form academic and physical aspect as well as psychological aspect. The textbook should be able to arouse the interest to the students. If the book is suitable from the physical and academic point of view the book will be suitable from psychological point of view otherwise it may not be suitable and appropriate. The presented text book of grade 8 is suitable from psychological point of view how ever it can't free from some weakness. If we can remove the weaknesses of physical and academic aspects definitively the weaknesses of psychological aspect will remove automatically. Comparatively the textbook of grade 8 is suitable with contemporary other books because it is written by well qualified, established and experienced author so as a conclusion we can say the book is appropriate psychological point of view.
We have already said that the textbook is valuable when it is used properly. The teacher should not feel that his work is confined to transferring the contents of the textbook into the head of students. The textbook shouldn't be used as only source of instructional materials. It should be used as an aid in teaching not a substitute for teaching. Its place in teaching can only be real if the teacher supplements it by his oral exposition. So to be the good textbook the above knowledge should be followed carefully and intelligently meanwhile writing the textbook. Those matter and steps should not be put in the textbook which may arouse the confusion to the students. If we remove the weaknesses of the textbook mentioned in the physical, academic and psychological aspects then the text book will be appropriate and effective.